Member-only story
(tune; what you will)
Hallelujah! Y’all made yourselves a new god
Your Jesus is now a good ole boy
Big an’ strong an’ carryin’ a rod —
Guys can now treat girls like toys!
We kin now kick out all others
With dark skins or who don’t believe
In our Jee-zus and his mother
If you don’t blush you better leave!
You want approval for your hatreds
Want to be told ‘you needn’t share’
Except with all your hawg-jowled preachers
For no one ‘diff’runt’ need you care!
Above all dark-skinned folks forever
You still think you deserve to be
All your legacy of wretched
You have said you will not see!
You may say your nearby brethren
Are in need of help also
It is well and right to help them
But beyond that you must go
If you want to be God’s children
With the Spirit at work in you
All humans must be your brethren
Regardless of creed or hue!
To ‘other’ brothers and sisters
You must listen, agenda-free