Eggert, you post brings me back to where I want to mount anything looking like a pulpit and preach a political fire-and-brimstone speech to a majority of my 'fellow' doughfaces. I want to roar at them in the style of Billy Sunday about what reeking hypocrites they are, what cringing cowards and what greedy, selfish, grasping bipeds they are!! I want to verbally LASH them for their wilful ignorance and their aching lust to look good (not least to themselves) while they ignore the Scripture that says that NONE are good--meaning that we are to do justice and love mercy and not think about how good we look to anyone but GOD!!
I am a straightly married Anglo-Saxon in my sixties and I passionately HATE the fiction called 'Whiteness', with which I wage unremitting war so far as I can.