Elizabeth, something like this may have happened to me. I read a tweet by one Angelo John Gage basically asking , why don’t all the people rise up and FINISH the Shoah already? He didn’t say those words, but that’s what came through. My reply was thus: SIEG (Heil!) SIEG (Heil!) SIEG (Heil! Sieg Heil!) in the style of that Nazi cheer. What I meant (and I said so in an appeal on which Twitter appears to be sitting) is that’s how Gage’s words came through to me; I didn’t threaten or insult anyone. But I’ve been suspended for a month so far and I suspect my appeal has lengthened that time. Twitter seems to be encouraging me to ‘recant’ in what to me is a pretty heavy-handed way.
How can we find more people who Twitter has so treated and what, if anything, can we do about it?