If you go into Genesis, you’ll see that the first name given to the land was the Land of Canaan. Abraham, the forefather of Israel, was a sojourner in the land. He didn’t own it. And connected with that, consider how uncompromisingly honest Genesis is about, say, the doings of Lot’s daughters after they fled Sodom and indeed about the character of young Jacob. Today, we’d probably term him an a**hole with brass b***s. But (and I think it’s because, first, God admires chutzpa, no matter what rulers say and second, Jacob seems to have had the ability to ‘think outside the box’ as we say today) God cultivated a relationship with Jacob, eventually renaming him Israel. And I suggest you, or indeed anyone, should mull over what God says when he does rename Jacob. You might find it seriously mind-blowing; I certainly did. And of course, you could say that maybe God thought, “If I can teach this scamp right from wrong, I can do it with anyone” and except for Talmudists trying to put God into their boxes, I don’t know if anyone would deny that. Anyhow, good hunting. Let me know what you find; you got me interested.