I'm not sure I'D expect that. Much of the world seems to prefer it when Jews can still be harmed, physically and/or psychologically, with impunity than when they can, and do, fight back. Then too much of the world howls with real or mock indignation. Maybe CHOSSAs should take notice; the (white?) world's attitude toward Jews defending themselves may be a herald of the same attitude being shown toward other peoples fighting for equality with those accustomed to viewing them as inferiors. And CHOSSAs and Jews have many of the same people wanting to continue to look down on them: white 'Christians' and lighter-skinned Muslims. And each is, willy-nilly, not unaffected by bigotry against the other. Now THAT'S really sad, no?
LBJ once said, give a person someone else to look down on and they'll empty their pockets for you. I wonder, did it occur to him to articulate when looking down on the 'other' is no longer possible, what happens then? It'd seem that a (shrinking, I hope) majority of the erstwhile downlookers try to move heaven and earth to keep their imaginary superiority in place! Dear sister, your feedback will be mightily appreciated.