it's not to derail your writing. Rather, it's more like an asterisk noting that Europeans are by no means unique, nor uniquely evil, in their slave-trading. Nor, even, in their hypocrisy about it. Read some of what Brother Eldridge had to say about living in Algeria. You might say it's for the 'benefit' of bigots on either side--those who, because they can enforce their bigotry, are indeed racists, and those without power to enforce theirs. Remember, Racism=Bigotry + Power to Enforce Said Bigotry. That is, for the 'benefit' of those who WILL scream that you want Little White Kiddies to hate themselves, and among whom I am not numbered. But, coming from the same stock on dad's side, I know something of their nasty games and do what I can to throw monkey-wrenches in their lie-mills. I hope you find this answer satisfactory.