Marley, at what point were there more blacks than whites in the NATION? Certainly that was true of some states, but the nation as a whole? Please take another look and allow me to doubt that fairly healthily. You don't need me to tell you that if you run with hyperbole, you eat at your credibility.
And I think the changes DO affect the half of white Americans you mention; it just affects them in all (in their opinion) the wrong ways. Remember the saying, to those used to privilege, equality can feel like oppression? My response to that whine from pasty-faces is, tough noogies. Get the f*** used to it!
And the problem with shame is, it can go two ways: either the shame-inducing behavior is corrected OR one can conclude that they CAN'T correct it because of something evil in themselves. Do whites believe that latter more than others? I don't know. I must admit I wouldn't shed a single tear if such shame pushed them all off cliffs, but I've heard guilt is more effective than shame at inducing a change in behavior, which seems to be the optimal response here. Am I right?
"I’d be thinking we’re still barbaric, unclean, uncaring, and we haven’t learned from our mistakes yet."
At least half the time, that IS what I think! This is one serious post and, with the exception cited above, all too dam' true.