OK, point by point: ‘Palestinians’ have NOT been ‘sitting on that land for centuries’. Most of the people that currently so call themselves date back no further than the 1920s. Remember what I wrote about Arab immigration?
Second: erasure? No, the people are still there but it’s safe to say they consider themselves first members of a particular clan, then (mostly) Muslims, then Arabs. ‘Palestinian’ is what Western useful idiots like yourself respond to and is used accordingly.
Third, people humanize or dehumanize themselves. ‘Palestinian’ leadership has been busy dehumanizing their subjects (with those subjects’ concurrence in large part) for the last century. I dare you to find me any Israeli Arabs who’d rather live as ‘Palestinians’ rather than Arab Israelis! Most of them do NOT feel ‘dehumanized’; quite the contrary. Not to mention I quoted other Arabs to you as to what THEY said about ‘Palestinians’; I certainly didn’t come up with that myself and, if that’s what their leaders say, who am I to say otherwise from a distance of 6500 miles?
And what do you mean by ‘Brooklyn laziness’? That’s another way of saying, ‘Jews belong nowhere except six feet under’, isn’t it? Go back yourself to the pages of ‘Der Stuermer’! Tell yourself again that, to quote that rag, ‘The Jew is the devil in human form and as such must be eradicated’. You show quite plainly that’s what YOU believe!!!