Suppose we collude for you to corner all the sugar and me to corner all the flour. Then we both get rich by gouging everyone else! Your god sanctions THAT, does he? Then I say, away with such an idol!
And need needs more than simple charity. It is in keeping with the role of the state to relieve it and do what it can, humanely, to assure as close to an equal starting-point for each generation. And I say my God is not opposed to progressive or graduated taxes. And you didn’t mention pollution at all. I wonder why.
Finally, the most I support is not an overturning nor an upheaval, except perhaps through the eyes of the wickedly selfish! The rich will still be rich, but the poor will not want at least for necessities. And no one need be bankrupt from a medical emergency nor educational costs. If other nations can manage this, there can be NO excuse for us!
Finally (although I suspect you may not like democracy too much anyhow) it is a danger to any democracy to let the gap between rich and poor grow too wide. For this indicates that too much wealth, meaning power, has accumulated in the hands of too few. For then those few can put themselves in a position to ‘buy’ and ‘privatize’ the very government, in a manner of speaking. Which is largely what has happened here — and, if democracy is to be real, or at least more real, for all of us, must be reversed.
God leaves the political and economic management in our hands. I say our job is to manage both as to give room for as many of God’s creatures, human and otherwise, to survive and flourish. If God loves every human and, indeed, all He creates, how dare we act otherwise?