The West Bank has NOT been annexed, but I’ll agree with you about its occupation being unnecessary for Jewish liberation. I look at the deeds of the IDF on a case-by-case basis, but tell me this: have you, or any other ‘savior’ of these people, done anything for those among them who face discrimination in Lebanon, which is far worse than anything Arab Israelis must deal with? If not, why not? I’ll tell you what I think: because those for whom you claim to stand have to deal with JEWS in a superior position! Horror of horrors!
If color-based racism, which is four centuries old, will take a lot of time and effort to expunge, how much time and effort do you think residual Judenhass, which is four times as old at least, will take? So start your work, white man!
PS. Col. Richard Kemp of the British Army, who has seen a number of conflicts, has said he’s never seen an army as careful to avoid civilian casualties as the IDF. Can you? Seriously. Good luck with that; you’ll need it.