This sounds like a growing number of Jews observing two things. First: 'Why do we want to be white? The Shoah happened because enough crazy whites decided WE could NEVER be 'white'! To hell with 'whites' and whiteness!' And yet, there is racism among them too. (Unhappy sigh)
Second: 'We've been willing to share land and power since we returned to Eretz Israel. Why should we keep on putting our hand out only to have it batted away or slashed with a knife? These Arabs don't want equality with us but would rather hang onto the rags of their once-vaunted 'superiority'.' Does that behavior pattern look familiar?
Finally, Jews have been saying at least since 1945, 'When our backs are to the wall we will stand alone. We have no friends except ourselves.' And history shows how all too right this is. Anyway, I'd say y'all have plenty in common to discuss once you take a good look.