Member-only story
It’s down to us now.
This election will show whether we are still a free country or whether we’re headed straight for fascism. Considering all that the fascists have done to try and delegitimize this election and indeed the whole democratic process, the margin still feels too narrow to me. So, to those either still hypnotized by Trump-ery, or soured by cynicism or who think they just don’t have time for democracy and citizenship, let me acquaint you with what’s in store for all our children and grandchildren and further posterity (if any of them will be alive by then) if we don’t utterly trounce Trump-ery and the Repiglicans who have so eagerly embraced it.
The air and water will get dirtier. Clean air and water will get costlier as will medical care, decent food and education. All the ‘basics’ for life will become rarer and costlier even while basically useless gadgets stay the same price or even go to a lower price. This will mean that all of us frantically running on our hamster-wheels will have to go faster. There will be battles to get the essentials of life; the battle lines will be partially drawn by skin color. A large paleface minority, myself among them, will be on the side of people of color. God willing, the palefaces who FINALLY realize they really are no better off than anyone else of any other color will join us ‘racial renegadoes’.
But what about my fellow-palefaces who have tangible excuses for thinking themselves ‘better’ and ‘more hardworking’? Let me address a question to you: what do you really value the most? Surely it isn’t anything material…